Children at High and Low Risk for Depression
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Publications (order by year)

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Orvaschel H, Sholomskas D, Weissman MM. Assessing children in psychiatric epidemiologic studies: A review of interview techniques. In Earls FJ, Locke BZ, Slaby AE, (eds), Monographs in Psychosocial Epidemiology: Epidemiologic Studies of Children. Neale Watson Academic Publications, Inc., New York, pp. 84-95. 1980.


Orvaschel H, Sholomskas D, Weissman MM. The assessment of psychopathology and behavioral problems in children: A review of scales suitable for epidemiological clinical research (1967-1979). Mental Health Service Reports, DHHS Publication No. (ADM) 80-1037. Alcohol, Drug Abuse amd Mental Health Administration, Rockville, MD, 1980.


Orvaschel H, Weissman MM, Kidd KK. Children and depression. The children of depressed parents; the childhood of depressed patients; depression in children. Journal of Affective Disorders 2:1-16, 1980.


Weissman MM, Orvaschel H, Padian N. Children's symptom and social functioning self-report scales.Comparison of mothers' and children's reports. Journal of Nervous Mental Disorders. 168:736-740. 1980.


Orvaschel H, Weissman MM, Padian N, Lowe T. Assessing psychopathology in children of psychiatrically disturbed parents: A pilot study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 20:112-122. 1981.


Gammon GD, John K, Rothblum ED, Mullen K, Tischler GL, Weissman MM. Use of a structured diagnostic interview to identify bipolar disorder in adolescent inpatients. Frequency and manifestations of the disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry. 140:543-547. 1983.


Weissman MM. The depressed mother and her rebellious adolescent. In Morrison HL (ed) Children of Depressed Parents: Risk Identification and Intervention Grune and Stratton, Inc., New York, pp. 99-113. 1983.


Gammon GD, John K, Weissman MM. Psychopathology in the children of depressives. In Steinhausen HC (ed), High Risk Children. Verlag W, Kohlhammer GH, Berlin Germany, pp 193-208. 1984.


Gammon GD, John K. Weissman MM. Structured assessment of psychiatric diagnosis and of psychosocial function and supports in adolescence: A role in the secondary prevention of suicide. In Sudak HS, Ford AB, Rushforth NB, (eds), Suicide in Children and Adolescents. John Wright-PSG, Inc., Boston, MA, pp. 183-208. l984.


Weissman MM, Leckman JF, Merikangas KR, Gammon GD, Prusoff BA. Depression and anxiety disorders in parents and children: Results from the Yale family study. Archives of General Psychiatry. 41:845-852. 1984.


Weissman MM, Prusoff BA, Gammon GD, Merikangas KR, Leckman JF, Kidd KK. Psychopathology in the children (ages 6-18) of depressed and normal parents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 23:78-84. 1984.


Weissman MM, Wickramaratne P, Merikangas KR, Leckman JF, Prusoff BA, Caruso KA, Kidd KK, Gammon GD. Onset of major depression in early adulthood: Increased familial loading and specificity. Archives of General Psychiatry. 41:1136-1143. 1984.


Merikangas KR, Leckman JF, Prusoff BA, Pauls DL, Weissman MM. Familial transmission of depression and alcoholism. Archives of General Psychiatry 42: 367-372. 1985.


Merikangas KR, Weissman MM, Prusoff BA, Pauls DL, Leckman JF. Depressives with secondary alcoholism. Psychiatric disorders in offspring. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 46:199-204. 1985.


Weissman MM. Familial factors in depressive disorders: Children at risk. In Pichot P, Berner P, Wolf R, Thau K (eds), Psychiatry: The State of the Art. Vol. 7, Epidemiology and Community Psychiatry. Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, pp. 13-16. 1985.


Orvaschel H, Weissman MM. Epidemiology of anxiety disorders in children. A review. In Gittelman R (ed): Anxiety Disorders of Childhood. The Guilford Press, New York, pp. 58-72. 1986.


Weissman MM, John K, Merikangas KR, Prusoff BA, Wickramaratne P, Gammon GD, Angold A, Warner V. Depressed parents and their children: General health, social and psychiatric problems. American Journal of Diseases in Children 140:801-805. 1986.


Weissman MM, Merikangas KR, John K, Wickramaratne P, Prusoff BA, Kidd KK. Family-genetic studies of psychiatric disorders: Developing technologies. Archives of General Psychiatry 43:1104-1116, 1986.


Weissman MM. Being young and female. Risk factors for major depression. In Klerman GL, (ed): Suicide and Depression Among Adolescents and Young Adults. American Psychiatric Press, Inc., Washington, D.C., pp. 105-130. 1986.


Wickramaratne PJ, Prusoff BA, Merikangas KR, Weissman MM. The use of survival time models with nonproportional hazard functions to investigate age of onset in family studies. Journal of Chronic Diseases 39:389-397, 1986.


Angold A, Weissman MM, John K, Merikangas KR, Prusoff BA, Wickramaratne P, Gammon GD, Warner V. Parent and child reports of depressive symptoms in children at low and high risk of depression. J Child Psyc Hol Psychiat. 28(6):901-915. 1987.


John K, Gammon GD, Prusoff B, Warner V. The social adjustment inventory for children and adolescents (SAICA): Testing of a new semi-structured interview. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry . 26(6):898-911. 1987.


John K, Weissman MM. The familial and psychosocial measurement of depression. In Marsella A, Hirschfeld RMA, Katz M, (eds), The Measurement of Depression: Clinical, Biological, Psychological, and Psychosocial Perspectives. Guilford Press, New York, pp. 344-375. 1987.


Leckman JF, Weissman MM, Pauls DL, Kidd KK. Family-genetic studies and the identification of valid diagnostic categories in adult and child psychiatry. British Journal of Psychiatry. 151:39-44. 1987.


Price RA, Kidd KK, Weissman MM. Early onset (under age 30 years) and panic disorder as markers for etiologic homogeneity in major depression. Archives of General Psychiatry. 44:434-440. 1987.


Weissman MM, Gammon GD, John K, Merikangas KR, Warner V, Prusoff BA, Sholomskas D. Children of depressed parents: Increased psychopathology and early onset of major depression. Archives of General Psychiatry . 44:847-853. 1987.


Weissman MM, Wickramaratne P, Warner V, John K, Prusoff BA, Merikangas KR, Gammon GD. Assessing psychiatric disorders in children: Discrepancies between mothers' and children's reports. Archives of General Psychiatry . 44:747-753. 1987.


Chang G, Warner V, Weissman MM. Physicians' recognition of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents. American Journal of Diseases in Children. 142:736-739. 1988.


Harrington R, Hill J, Rutter M, John K, Fudge K, Zoccolillo M, Weissman MM. The assessment of lifetime psychopathology: A comparison of two interviewing styles. Psychological Medecine. 18:487-493. 1988.


Merikangas KR, Prusoff BA, Weissman MM. Parental concordance for affective disorders: psychopathology in offspring. Journal of Affective Disorders. 15(3):279-290. 1988.


Merikangas KR, Weissman MM, Prusoff BA, John K. Assortative mating and affective disorders: psychopathology in offspring. Psychiatry.51(2):48-57. 1988.


Weissman MM, Warner V, John K, Prusoff BA, Merikangas KR, Wickramaratne P, Gammon GD. Delusional depression and bipolar spectrum: Evidence for a possible association from a family study of children. Neuropsychopharmacology. 1(4):257-264. 1988.


Weissman MM, Warner V, Wickramaratne P, Prusoff BA. Early onset major depression in parents and their children. Journal of Affective Disorders .15(3): 269-278. 1988.


Weissman MM. Psychopathology in the children of depressed parents: Direct interview studies. In Dunner DL, Gershon ES, Barret J (eds), Relatives at Risk for Mental Disorders. Raven Press, New York, pp. 143-159. 1988.


Moreau DL, Weissman MM, Warner V. Panic disorder in children at high risk for depression. American Journal of Psychiatry. 146(8):1059-1060. 1989.


Weissman MM. Anxiety disorders in parents and children: A genetic- epidemiologic perspective. In Reznick S,Kagan J (eds): Perspectives on Behavioral Inhibition, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. pp. 241-254. 1989.


Fendrich M, Warner V, Weissman MM. Family risk factors, parental depression and childhood psychopathology. Developmental Psychology. 26(1):40-50. 1990.


Fendrich M, Weissman MM, Warner V, Mufson L. Two-year recall of lifetime diagnoses in offspring at high and low risk for major depression: The stability of offspring reports. Archives of General Psychiatry. 47(12):1121-1127. 1990.


Fendrich M, Weissman MM, Warner V. Screening for depressive disorder in children and adolescents: Validating the CES-DC. American Journal of Epidemiology. 131(3):538-550. 1990.


Merikangas KR, Weissman MM. Psychopathology in offspring of parents wit affective disorders. In Keitner G (ed),Depression and Families: Impact and Treatment. American Psychiatric Press, Washington, pp. 85-100. 1990.


Mufson L, Fendrich M, Warner V. The stability of temperament by child and mother report over two years. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 29(3):386-391. 1990.


Walker M, Moreau D, Weissman MM. Parents' awareness of children's suicide attempts. American Journal of Psychiatry. 147(10):1364-1366. 1990.


Weissman MM, Warner V, Fendrich M. Applying impairment criteria to children's psychiatric diagnosis. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 29(5):789-795. 1990.


Weissman MM. Evidence for comorbidity for anxiety and depression. Family and genetic studies of children. In Maser JD, Cloninger CR, (eds), Co-Morbidity of Mood and Anxiety Disorders, American Psychiatric Press, Washington D.C. pp. 39-365. 1990.


Angold A, Weissman MM, John K, Wickramaratne P, Prusoff B. The effects of age and sex on depression ratings in children and adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 30(1):67-74. 1991.


Fendrich M, Weissman MM, Warner V. Longitudinal assessment of major depression and anxiety disorders in children. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 30(1):67-74. 1991.


Moreau DL, Weissman MM. Anxiety symptoms across childhood and adolescence in nonpsychiatrically referred youngsters. In Last C (ed), Anxiety Across a Lifespan: A Developmental Perspective on Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders, Springer Publishing Corp., New York, 1991.

Moreau D, Weissman MM. Panic disorder in children and adolescents: A review. American Journal of Psychiatry 149(10):1306-1314, 1992.


Mufson L, Weissman MM, Warner V. Depression and anxiety in parents and children: A direct interview study. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 6:1-13, 1992.


Warner V, Weissman MM, Fendrich M, Wickramaratne PJ, Moreau D. The course of major depression in the offspring of depressed parents: Incidence, recurrence, recovery. Archives of General Psychiatry. 49(10):797-801. 1992.


Weissman MM, Fendrich M, Warner V, Wickramaratne PJ. Incidence of psychiatric disorder in offspring at high and low risk for depression. Journal American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 31(4):640-648. 1992.


Anderson CE, Weissman MM. Family studies of affective disorders. In Koplewicz HS, Klass E, (eds), Depression in Children and Adolescents. Monograph in Clinical Pediatrics. Philadelphia: Harwood Academic Publishers. 6:33-43. 1993.


Rende R., Plomin R. Families at risk for psychopathology: Who becomes affected and why? Development and Psychopathology, (5):529-540. 1993.


Sobin C, Weissman MM, Goldstein R, Adams P, Wickramaratne P, Warner V, Lish JD. Comparing telephone and face to face interview methods for the diagnosis of lifetime psychiatric disorders in a family study. Psychiatric Genetics. 3(4):227-233. 1993.


Vieland VJ, Hodge SE, Lish JD, Adams P, Weissman MM. Segregation analysis of panic disorder. Psychiatric genetics. 3:63-71. 1993.


Wickramaratne PJ, Weissman MM. Using family studies to understand comorbidity. European Archives of Psychiatry. 243:150-157. 1993.


Fendrich M, Warner V. Symptom and Substance Use Reporting Consistency Over Two-Years For Offspring at High and Low Risk for Depression. Journal of Abnormal Child Psych (not sure either Psychology or Psychiatry) 22(4):425-439, 1994.


Merikangas KR, Risch NJ, Weissman MM. Comorbidity and cotransmission of alcoholism, anxiety and depression. Psychological Medicine. 1(24):69-80. 1994.


Mufson L, Aidala A, Warner V. Social dysfunction and psychiatric disorder in mothers and their children. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry .33(9):1256-1264. 1994.


Rende R, Plomin R. Genetic influences on behavioral development. In Rutter M, Hay D (eds). Developmental principles and clinical issues in psychology and psychiatry. Oxford: Blackwell scientific publications. pp. 26-48. 1994.

Wickramaratne PJ, Weissman MM, Horwath E, Adams PB. The familial aggregation of panic disorder by source of proband ascertainment. Psychiatric genetics . 4(3):125-33. 1994.


Rende R., Wickramaratne P., Warner V., Weissman MM.. Sibling resemblance for psychiatric disorder in offspring at high and low risk for depression. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 36:1353-1366. 1995.


Warner V, Mufson L, Weissman MM. Offspring at high and low risk for depression and anxiety: Mechanisms of psychiatric disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry . 33(9):1256-1264. 1995.


Vieland VJ, Goodman DW, Chapman T, Fyer AJ. New segregation analysis of panic disorder. Neuropsychiatric genetics. 67:147-153. 1996.


Harrington R, Rutter M, Weissman MM, Fudge H, Groothues C, Bredenkamp D, Pickles A, Rende R, Wickramaratne P. Psychiatric disorders in relatives of depressed probands. I. Comparison of prepubertal, adolescent and early adult onset cases. Journal of Affective Disorders 42(1): 9 - 22. 1997.


Miller L, Warner V , Wickramaratne P, Weissman MM. Religosity and Depression; Ten Year Follow-up of Depressed Mothers and Offspring. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 36(10):1416-1425. 1997.


Miller L, Wickramaratne P, Warner V, Kramer R, Weissman MM. The Intergenerational Transmission of Parental Bonding Among Women . Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 36(8):1134-1139. 1997.


Rende R, Weissman MM, Rutter M, Wickramaratne P, Harrington R, Pickles A. Psychiatric disorders in the relatives of depressed probands. II. Familial loading for comorbid non-depressive disorders based upon proband age of onset. Journal of Affective Disorders;42(1):23-28. 1997.


Weissman M, Warner V, Wickramaratne P, Moreau D, Olfson M. Offspring of Depressed Parents: Ten Years Later. Archives of General Psychiatry. 54:932-940. 1997.


Kramer R, Warner V, Olfson M, Ebanks CM, Chaput F, Weissman MM. General Medical problems among the offspring of depressed parents: A ten year follow-up. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatr. 37(6):602-611, 1998.


Wickramaratne PJ, Weissman MM. Onset of psychopathology in offspring by developmental phase and parental depression. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 37(9):933-942. 1998.


Miller L, Warner V, Wickramaratne P, Weissman MM. Self-Esteem & Depression; Ten Year Follow-up of Depressed Mothers and Offspring. Journal of Affective Disorders. 52:41-49,1999.


Rende R, Warner V, Wickramaratne P, Weissman MM. Sibling aggregation for psychiatric disorders in offspring at high and low risk for depression: Ten-year follow-up. Psychological Medicine. 29:1291-1298.1999.


Rende R, Weissman MM. Assessment of family history of psychiatric disorder. In Shaffer D, Lucas CP, Richters JE (eds.) Diagnostic Assessment in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology New York, NY, Guilford Press, pp. 230-255,1999.


Warner V, Weissman MM, Mufson L, Wickramaratne P. Grandparents, Parents, and Grandchildren at High Risk for Depression: A Three Generation Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 38:289-296, 1999.


Weissman M, Warner V, Wickramaratne P, Kandel D. Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Offspring Psychopathology Followed to Adulthood. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.38:892-899, 1999.


Weissman MM, Warner V, Wickramaratne P, Moreau D, Olfson M. Offspring at Risk: Early Onset Major Depression and Anxiety Disorders Over a Decade. edt. Rapoport J. In Childhood Onset of Adult Psychopathology. APA Press, Inc . Washington, D.C. 2000.


Wickramaratne PJ, Warner V, Weissman MM. Selecting Early Onset MDD Probands for Genetic Studies: Results From a Longitudinal High-Risk Study. Neuropsychiatric Genetics. 96:93-101, 2000.


Nomura Y, Warner V, Wickramaratne P. Parents Concordant for Major Depressive Disorder and the Effect on Psychopathology in Offspring. Psychological Medicine. 31:1211-1222, 2001.


Ritsher, JEB, Warner V, Johnson JG, Dohrenwend B . Inter-generational longitudinal study of social class and depression: A test of social causation and social selection models. British Journal of Psychiatry. 178:s84-s90, 2001.


Miller L, Weissman MM, Gur M, Greenwald S, Adult religiousness and history of childhood depression: 11-Year follow-up study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders. 190:86-93. 2002.


Mufson L, Nomura Y, Warner V. The relationship between parental diagnosis, offspring temperament, and offspring psychopathology: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 71:61-69, 2002.


Nomura Y, Wickramaratne P, Warner V, Mufson L, Weissman MM. Family Discord, Parental Depression and Psychopathology in Offspring: 10 - Year Follow - up. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 41: 402 - 409, 2002.


Weissman MM, Warner V, Wickramaratne P, Nomura Y, Merikangas K, Bruder G, Tenke C, Grillon C. Offspring at High Risk for Anxiety and Depression: Preliminary Findings from a Three Generation Study. edt. Gorman J. In Fear and Anxiety: Benefits of Translational Research. APA Press, Inc. , January 2004.


Bruder GE, Tenke CE, Warner V, Nomura Y, Grillon C, Hille J, Leite P, Weissman MM. Electroencephalographic measures of regional hemispheric activity in offspring at risk for depressive disorders. Biological Psychiatry. Feb 15;57(4):328-35. 2005.


Grillon C, Warner V, Hille J, Merikangas KR, Bruder GE, Tenke CE, Nomura Y, Leite P, Weissman MM. Families at high and low risk for depression: a three-generation startle study. Biological Psychiatry. May 1;57(9):953-60. 2005.


Gur M, Miller L, Warner V, Wickramaratne P, Weissman M . Maternal depression and the intergenerational transmission of religion, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 193(5), 338-345. 2005.


Weissman MM, Wickramaratne P, Nomura Y, Warner V, Verdeli H, Pilowsky DJ, Grillon C, Bruder G. Families at high and low risk for depression: a 3-generation study. Archives of General Psychiatry. Jan;62(1):29-36. 2005.


Ong S, Wickramaratne P, Tang M, Weissman M Early childhood sleep and eating problems as predictors of adolescent and adult mood and anxiety disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, November; 96(1-2):1-8. 2006.


Pilowsky D, Wickramaratne P, Nomura Y, Weissman M. Family Discord, Parental Depression, and Psychopathology in Offspring: Twenty-Year Follow-up. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. April; 45 (4): 452-460. 2006.


Weissman M. Recent advances in depression across the generations. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale. Jan-Mar; 15 (1): 16-19. 2006.


Weissman MM, Wickramaratne P, Nomura Y, Warner V, Pilowsky D, Verdeli H. Offspring of Depressed Parents: 20 Years Later. American Journal of Psychiatry. 163:1001-1008. 2006.


Bruder GE, Tenke CE, Warner V, Grillon C, Weissman MM. Grandchildren at High and Low Risk for Depression: Differences in EEG Measures of Regional Asymmetry. Biological Psychiatry. 62:1317-1323.2007.


Costello-Bruder B, Warner V, Talati A, Nomura Y, Bruder GE. Weissman M Temperament among Offspring at High and Low Risk for Depression. Psychiatry Research. 153:145-151.2007.


Goodwin RD, Wickramartne P, Nomura Y, Weissman MM. Parental depression and risk of respiratory disease in offspring: Results of a three-generation study.,Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. May 161(5):487-494. 2007.


Zhu, H.; Li, Y; Tang, N; Bansal, R; Hao, X; Weissman, MM; Peterson, BG. Statistical modeling of brain morphological measures within family pedigrees. Statistical Sinica, vol. 18, number 4, Oct., 2008.


Feder A, Alonso, A, Tang M, Liriano W, Warner V, Pilowsky D, Barronco, E, Wang Y, Verdeli, H, Wickramaratne P, Weissman M. Children of Low-income depressed mothers: Psychiatric disorders and social adjustment. Depression and Anxiety. 26:513-520. 2009.


Peterson BS, Warner V, Bansal R, Zhu H, Hao X, Liu J, Durkin K, Adams PB, Wickramaratne P, Weissman MM. Cortical thinning in persons at increased familial risk for major depression. Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences U S A. Apr 14;106(15):6273-8. 2009.


Weissman, MM. Depression. Annals of Epidemiol 2009; 19:264-267. (PMID: 19344866)


Weissman MM. Teenaged, Depressed, and Treatment Resistant: What Predicts Self-Harm? Am J Psychiatry. 2009 Apr;166(4):385-7. (PMID: 19339360)


Weissman MM , Olfson M. Translating intergenerational research on depression into clinical practice. JAMA. 2009 Dec 23;302(24):2695-6. (PMID: 20040558)


Weissman MM, Talati A. Depression in at-risk adolescents and their parents. JAMA. 2009 Sep 16;302(11):1167; author reply 1167-8. (PMID: 19755692)


Murphy E, Wickramaratne P, Weissman M. The Stability of Parental Bonding Reports: A 20-Year Follow-up. J Affect Disord. 2010 Sep;125(1-3):307-15 (PMID: 20138671)


Talati, A., Weissman, MM. Letter to the editor: In Utero Smoking Exposure Warrants Further Investigation. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2010 May;67(5):529-38. (PMID: 20921125)


Kasen S, Wickramaratne P, Gameroff MJ, Weissman MM. Religiosity and resilience in persons at high risk for major depression. Psychol Med. 2011 Aug 17:1-11. [Epub ahead of print]


Miller L, Wickramaratne P, Gameroff MJ, Sage M, Tenke CE, Weissman MM. Religiosity and Major Depression in Adults at High Risk: A Ten-Year Prospective Study. Am J Psychiatry. 2011 Aug 24: 1-6. [Epub ahead of print]


Weissman MM. Standardized interviews for diagnostic assessments of children and adolescents in psychiatric research. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2011 Jul;50(7):633-5.


Talati A, Weissman MM, Hamilton SP. Using the High-Risk Family Design to identify Biomarkers for Major Depression (2011). In Neurobiology of Depression: Revisiting the Serotonin Hypothesis; Special Issue of Philosophical Transactions, Biology, In Press, 2012.


Bruder GE, Bansal R, Tenke CE, Liu J, Hao X, Warner V, Peterson BS, Weissman MM. Relationship of resting EEG with anatomical MRI measures in individuals at high and low risk for depression. Hum Brain Mapp. 2011 Apr 15. doi: 10.1002/hbm.21284. PMID: 21500316


Weissman MM, Brown AS, Talati A. Translational epidemiology in psychiatry: linking population to clinical and basic sciences. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2011 Jun;68(6):600-8. (PMID: 21646577)


Vousoura E, Verdeli H, Wickramaratne P, Warner V, Baily C. Parental divorce, familial risk for depression, and psychopathology in offspring: a three-generation study. Journal of Child and Family Studies. In Press, 2011.


Peterson BS, Weissman MM. A brain-based endophenotype for major depressive disorder. Annu Rev Med. 2011 Feb 18;62:461-74.


Weissman MM. Can epidemiology translate into understanding major depression with borderline personality disorder? Am J Psychiatry. 2011 Mar;168(3):231-3.


Gameroff MJ, Wickramaratne P, Weissman MM. Testing the Short and Screener Versions of the Social Adjustment-Scale-Self-report (SAS-SR). International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, In Press, 2011.


Hao X, Xu D, Bansal R, Liu J, Peterson BS. "An Improved Representation of Regional Boundaries on Parcellated Morphological Surfaces". Comput Med Imaging Graph, 35 (2011), pp. 206낣. PMID: 21144708. PMCID: PMC3059377

Bansal R, Staib LH, Laine AF, Hao X, Xu D, Liu J, Weissman M, Peterson BS. Anatomical brain images alone can accurately diagnose chronic neuropsychiatric illnesses. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e50698. PMID: 23236384. PMCID: PMC3517530.

Hodge SE, Subaran RL, Weisman MM, Fyer AJ. Designing Case-Control Studies: Decisions about the Controls. Am J Psychiatry, 169:8, August 2012. PMID: 22854929. PMCID: PMC3921907.

Kasen S, Wickmaratne P, Gameroff MJ, & Weissman MM. Religiosity and resilience in persons at high risk for major depression. Psychological Medicine, 2012, 42 (3), 509-519. PMID: 21849093. PMCID: PMC3552391.

Cole DA, Cho SJ, Martin NC, Youngstrom EA, March JS, Findling RL, Compas BE, Goodyer IM, Rohde P, Weissman M, Essex MJ, Hyde JS, Curry JF, Forehand R, Slattery MJ, Felton JW, Maxwell MA. Are Increased Weight and Appetite Useful Indicators of Depression in Children and Adolescents? J Abnorm Psychol. 2012 Jun 11. PMID: 22686866. PMCID: PMC3547528.

Jacobs M, Miller L, Wickramaratne P, Gameroff M, Weissman MM. Family religion and psychopathology in children of depressed mothers: Ten-year follow-up. J Affect Disord. 2012 Feb;136(3):320-7. PMID: 22177740. PMCID: PMC3536443.

Dubin M, Weissman M, Xu D, Bansal R, Hao X, Liu J, Warner V, Peterson B. Identification of a circuit-based endophenotype for familial depression. Psychiatry Res. 2012 Mar 31;201(3):175-81. PMID: 22516664. PMCID: PMC3361582.

Lewandowski RE, Verdeli H, Wickramaratne P, Warner V, Mancini A, Weissman M. Predictors of Positive Outcomes in Offspring of Depressed Parents and Non-depressed Parents Across 20 Years. Journal of Child and Family Studies, published online 21 February 2013. DOI 10.1007/s10826-013-9732-3. PMID: 25374449. PMCID: PMC4217704.

Peterson BS, Wang Z, Horga G, Warner V, Rutherford B, Klahr KW, Graniello B, Wickramaratne P, Garcia F, Yu S, Hao X, Adams PB, Qian M, Liu J, Gerber A,Weissman MM. Discriminating Risk and Resilience Endophenotypes From Lifetime Illness Effects in Familial Major Depressive Disorder. JAMA Psychiatry. 2013 Dec 25:1-13. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2013.4048. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 24369340. PMCID: PMC3965257.

Bansal R, Hao X, Liu F, Xu D, Liu J, Peterson BS. The effects of changing water content, relaxation times, and tissue contrast on tissue segmentation and measures of cortical anatomy in MR images. Magn Reson Imaging. 2013 Dec;31(10):1709-30. doi: 10.1016/j.mri.2013.07.017. PMID: 24055410. PMCID: PMC4241465.

Tenke CE, Kayser J, Miller L, Warner V, Wickramaratne P, Weissman MM, Bruder GE. Neuronal generators of posterior EEG alpha reflect individual differences in prioritizing personal spirituality. Biol Psychol. 2013 Oct;94(2):426-32. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2013.08.001. PMID: 23998996. PMCID: PMC3893140.

Odgerel Z, Talati A, Hamilton SP, Levinson DF, Weissman MM. Genotyping serotonin transporter polymorphisms 5-HTTLPR and rs25531 in European- and African-American subjects from the National Institute of Mental Health's Collaborative Center for Genomic Studies. Transl Psychiatry. 2013 Sep 24;3:e307. doi: 10.1038/tp.2013.80. PMID: 24064711 [PMCID: PMC3784769.

Barton YA, Miller L, Wickramaratne P, Gameroff MJ, Weissman MM. Religious attendance and social adjustment as protective against depression: A 10-year prospective study. J Affect Disord. 2013 Mar 20;146(1):53-7. PMID: 22959684. PMCID: PMC3582716

Bansal R, Hao X, Liu J, Peterson BS. Using Copula distributions to support more accurate imaging-based diagnostic classifiers for neuropsychiatric disorders. Magn Reson Imaging. 2014 Nov;32(9):1102-13. doi: 10.1016/j.mri.2014.07.011. PMID: 25093634; PMCID: PMC4235514.

Miller L, Bansal R, Wickramaratne P, Hao X, Tenke CE, Weissman MM, Peterson BS. Neuroanatomical correlates of religiosity and spirituality: a study in adults at high and low familial risk for depression. JAMA Psychiatry. 2014 Feb;71(2):128-35. PMID: 24369341. PMCID: PMC3921896.

Jacobs RH, Talati A, Wickramaratne P, Warner V. The influence of paternal and maternal major depressive disorder on offspring psychiatric disorders. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s10826-014-0037-y.

Kayser, J, Tenke, CE. On the benefits of using surface Laplacian (current source density) methodology in electrophysiology. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 2015. 97(3), 171-173. PMID: 26071227; PMCID: PMC4610715.

Kayser, J, Tenke, CE. Issues and considerations for using the scalp surface Laplacian in EEG/ERP research: A tutorial review. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 2015. 97(3), 189-209. PMID: 25920962. PMCID: PMC4537804.

Kayser J, Tenke, E. Hemifield-dependent N1 and event-related theta/delta oscillations: An unbiased comparison of surface Laplacian and common EEG reference choices. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2015. PMID: 25562833. PMCID: PMC4490127.

Talati, A., Guffanti, G, Odgerel Z., Ionita-Laza, I, Malm, H, Sourander, A, Brown, AS, Wickramaratne, PJ, Gingrich J.A., Weissman MM. Identifying genetic variants within the serotonin transporter associated with familial risk for major depression. Psychiatry Res. 2015 Jul 30;228(1):170-3. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2015.04.015. Epub 2015 Apr 18.PMID: 25920807 PMCID: PMC4451257.

Bansal R, Hao X, Peterson BS. Morphological covariance in anatomical MRI scans can identify discrete neural pathways in the brain and their disturbances in persons with neuropsychiatric disorders. Neuroimage. 2015 May 1;111:215-27. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.02.022 PMID: 25700952.

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Bruder, GE, Alvarenga, J, Abraham, K, Skipper, J, Warner, V, Voyer, D, Peterson, BS, and Weissman, MM (Brain laterality, depression and anxiety disorders: New findings for emotional and verbal dichotic listening in individuals at risk for depression. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, Special Issue, M.P. Bryden's Legacy. PMC Journal (Ahead of print:

Posner J, Wang Z, Talati A, Warner V, Gerber A, Peterson B, Weissman MM., Increased Default Mode Network Connectivity in Individuals at High Familial Risk for Depression. Neuropsychopharmacology PMC Journal .

Weissman, M.M., Children of Depressed Parents-A Public Health Opportunity. JAMA Psychiatry (2016). 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.2967

Bansal, R, Peterson, BS, Gingrich, J, Hao, X, Odgerel, Z , Warner, V, Wickramaratne, P, Talati, A, Ansorge, M, Brown, AS, Sourander, A, Weissman, MM Serotonin Signaling Modulates the Effects of Familial Risk for Depression on Cortical Thickness. Psych Research Neuro. Psychiatric Research Neuroimaging. doi:10.1016/j.pscychresns.2016.01.004

Teel, K, Warner, V, Verdeli, H, Talati, A Impact of a Father-Figure's Presence in the Household on Children's Psychiatric Diagnoses and Functioning in Families at High Risk for Depression". J Child Fam Stud (2016) 25:588-597 DOI 10.1007/s10826-015-0239-y

Wang Z, Jacobs RH, Marsh R, Horga G, Qiao J, Warner V, Weissman MM, Peterson B. Sex-specific neural activity when resolving cognitive interference in individuals with or without prior internalizing disorders Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, (2016)Volume 249 , 76 - 83

Sherman, B.J., Vousoura, E., Wickramaratne,P., Warner, V., Verdeli, H., Temperament and major depression: How does difficult temperament affect frequency, severity, and duration of major depressive episodes among offspring of parents with or without depression? Am J Affective Disorders. April 20, 2016. Article first published online: 20 APR 2016.

Talati, A, Keyes, KM, Hasin, DS Relationship between smoking and psychiatric comorbidity across 20th century birth cohorts. Molecular Psychiatry. Immediate Communication(2016) EPUB ahead of print.

Subaran RL, Odgerel Z, Swaminathan R, Glatt CE, Weissman MM. Novel Variant in ZNF34 and Other Brain- Expressed Transcription Factors Shared Among Early-Onset MDD Relatives. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2016 Jan 29. Article first published online: 29 JAN 2016 DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.b.32408

Weissman M, Wickramaratne P, Gameroff M, Warner V, Pilowsky D, Gathibandhe RK, Verdeli H, Skipper J, Talati A., Offspring of Depressed Parents: 30 Years Later. The American Journal of Psychiatry. To

Weissman, M.M., Obi, O., Warner, V., Gameroff, M., Skipper, J. , Talati, A., Pilowsky, D., Wickramaratne, P.Three Generations at High and Low Risk for Depression: A 30 Year Study. JAMA Psychiatry. In Press.

Kayser J, Tenke CE, Abraham K, Alschuler DM, Alvarenga JE, Skipper J, Warner V, Bruder GE, Weissman MM (2016). Neuronal generator patterns at scalp elicited by lateralized aversive pictures reveal consecutive stages of motivated attention. NeuroImage, In Press.

Guffanti G, Gameroff MJ, Warner V, Talati A, Glatt CE, Wickramaratne PJ, Weissman MM. Heritability of major depressive and comorbid anxiety disorders in multi-generational families at high risk for depression. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2016; doi: 10.1002/ajmg.b.32477. PMID: 27452917.

Kayser J, Tenke CE, Abraham K, Alschuler DM, Alvarenga JE, Skipper J, Warner V, Bruder GE, Weissman MM Neuroimage 2016. S1053-8119(16)30181-1. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.05.059. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27263509

Talati A, Odgerel Z, Wickramaratne PJ, Weissman MM. Brain derived neurotrophic factor moderates associations between maternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring behavioral disorders. Psychiatry Research 2016

Weissman MM, Obi O, Warner V, Gameroff MJ, Skipper J, Talati A, Pilowsky DJ, Wickramaratne P. Three Generations at High and Low Risk for Depression: A 30 Year Study. JAMA Psychiatry 2016; doi: appiajp201615101327. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27113122.

Weissman MM. What's A Family? Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2016; (Editorial)

Anderson MR, Miller L, Wickramaratne P, Svob C, Odgerel Z, Zhao R, Weissman MM. Genetic correlates of spirituality/religion and depression: a study in offspring and grandchildren at high and low familial risk for depression. Spiritual Clin Pract. 2017;4(1):43-63.PubMed link

Hao X, Talati A, Shankman SA, Liu J, Kayser J, Tenke CE, Warner V, Semanek D, Wickramaratne PJ, Weissman MM, Posner J. Stability of cortical thinning in persons at increased familial risk for major depressive disorder across 8 years. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging. 2017;2(7):619-625.PubMed link

Kayser J, Tenke CE, Abraham KS, Alschuler DM, Alvarenga JE, Skipper J, Warner V, Bruder GE, Weissman MM. Motivated attention and family risk for depression: neuronal generator patterns at scalp elicited by lateralized aversive pictures reveal blunted emotional responsivity. Neuroimage Clin. 2017;14:692-707. PubMed link

Liu J, Svob C, Wickramaratne P, Hao X, Talati A, Kayser J, Tenke CE, Warner V, Yang J, Anderson M, Weissman MM. Neuroanatomical correlates of familial risk for depression and religiosity/spirituality. Spiritual Clin Practice, 2017. 4(1):32-42. PubMed link

Tenke CE, Kayser J, Svob C, Miller L, Alvarenga JE, Abraham K, Warner V, Wickramaratne P, Weissman MM, Bruder GE. Association of posterior EEG alpha with prioritization of religion or spirituality: A replication and extension at 20-year follow-up. Biol Psychol. 2017;124:79-86.PubMed link

Weissman MM. Is psychiatric epidemiology still counting? J Clin Psychiatry. 2017;78:1314-1315. doi: 10.4088/JCP.17com11672.PubMed link

Tenke CE, Kayser J, Pechtel P, Webb CA, Dillon DG, Goer F, Murray L, Deldin P, Kurian BT, McGrath PJ, Parsey R, Trivedi M, Fava M, Weissman MM, McInnis M, Abraham K, E Alvarenga J, Alschuler DM, Cooper C, Pizzagalli DA, Bruder GE. Demonstrating test-retest reliability of electrophysiological measures for healthy adults in a multisite study of biomarkers of antidepressant treatment response. Psychophysiology. 2017;54:34-50.PubMed link

Cha J, Guffanti G, Gingrich J, Talati A, Wickramaratne P, Weissman M, Posner J. Effects of serotonin transporter gene variation on impulsivity mediated by default mode network: a family study of depression. Cereb Cortex 2018;28(6):1911-1921.PubMed link

Tenke CE, Kayser J, Alvarenga JE, Abraham KS, Warner V, Talati A, Weissman MM, Bruder GE. Temporal stability of posterior EEG alpha over twelve years. Clin Neurophysiol. 2018;129:1410-1417.PubMed link

Weissman MM. Postpartum depression and its long-term impact on children: many new questions. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018;75:227-228.PubMed link

Weissman MM, Talati A, Hao X, Posner J. Risks for major depression: Searching for stable traits. Biol Psychiatry. 2018;83:7-8.PubMed link

Svob C, Wickramaratne PJ, Reich L, Zhao R, Talati A, Gameroff MJ, Saeed R, Weissman MM. Association of parent and offspring religiosity with offspring suicide ideation and attempts. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018; 75(10):1062-1070.PubMed link

Posner J. The role of precision medicine in child psychiatry: What can we expect and when? J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 2018. 57(11):813-817. PubMed link

McClintock CH, Anderson M, Svob C, Wickramaratne P, Neugebauer R, Miller L, Weissman MM. Multidimensional understanding of religiosity/spirituality: Relationship to major depression and familial risk. Psychol Med. 2019 Oct;49(14):2379-2388.PubMed link

Diaz AP, Svob C, Zhao R, DiFabrizio B, Warner V, Gameroff MJ, Skipper J, Gingrich J, Posner J, Wickramaratne PJ, Weissman MM, Talati A. Adult outcomes of childhood disruptive disorders in offspring of depressed and healthy parents. J Affect Disord. 2019; 244:107-112.PubMed link

Li X, Weissman M, Talati A, Svob C, Wickramaratne P, Posner J, Xu D. A diffusion tensor imaging study of brain microstructural changes related to religion and spirituality in families at high risk for depression. Brain Behav. 2019; 9(2):e01209.PubMed link

Talati A, Weissman MM. Commentary: Studies of prenatal antidepressant exposures: What can you recommend? A reflection on Sujan et al. (2019). J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2019; 60(4):377-379.PubMed link

Rim JI, Ojeda JC, Svob C, Kayser J, Drews E, Kim Y, Tenke CE, Skipper J, Weissman MM. Current understanding of religion, spirituality, and their neurobiological correlates. Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2019; 27:303-316.PubMed link

Svob C, Weissman MM. The role of religiosity in families at high-risk for depression. Ethics, Medicine and Public Health. 2019; 9:1-6.Direct link

Svob C, Wong LYX, Gameroff MJ, Wickramaratne PJ, Weissman MM, Kayser J. Understanding self-reported importance of religion/spirituality in a North American sample of individuals at risk for familial depression: A principal component analysis. PloS One. 2019; 14:e0224141 .PubMed link

Kayser J, Tenke CE, Svob C, Gameroff MJ, Miller L, Skipper J, Warner V, Wickramaratne P, Weissman MM. Family risk for depression and prioritization of religion and spirituality: Early neurophysiological modulations of motivated attention. Front Hum Neurosci, 2019. 13:436.PubMed link

Smith EE, Tenke CE, Deldin PJ, Trivedi MH, Weissman MM, Auerbach RP, Bruder GE, Pizzagalli DA, Kayser J. Frontal theta and posterior alpha in resting EEG: A critical examination of convergent and discriminant validity. Psychophysiology, 2020. 57(2):e13483.PubMed link

Neugebauer R, Wickramaratne P, Svob C, McClintock CH, Gameroff MJ, Miller L, Conway A. Contribution of religion/spirituality and major depressive disorder to altruism. J Affect Disord, 2020. 262:16-22.PubMed link

Weissman MM. Intergenerational study of depression: A convergence of findings and opportunities. Psychological Medicine, 2020. 50:170-172.PubMed link

Bushnell GA, Talati A, Wickramaratne P, Gameroff MJ, Weissman MM. Trajectories of childhood anxiety disorders in two generations at high risk. Depression and Anxiety, 2020. 37(6):521-531. PubMed link

Abraham E, Posner J, Wickramaratne PJ, Aw N, van Dijk MT, Cha J, Weissman MM, Talati A. Concordance in parent and offspring cortico-basal ganglia white matter connectivity varies by parental history of major depressive disorder and early parental care. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 2020. 15(8):889-903. PubMed link

Duarte CS, Monk C, Weissman MM, Posner J. Intergenerational psychiatry: A new look at a powerful perspective. World Psychiatry, 2020. 19(2):175-176. PubMed link

Muñoz RF, Weissman MM. Fostering healthy, emotional and behavioral development in children and youth: National academy of medicine report calling for a decade of children and youth. Am J Psychiatry, 2020. 177(9):808-810. PubMed link

Panier LYX, Bruder G, Svob C, Wickramaratne P, Gameroff MJ, Weissman MM, Tenke CE, Kayser J. (2020). Predicting depression symptoms in families at risk for depression: Interrelations of posterior EEG Alpha and religion/spirituality. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2020. 274:969-976. PubMed link

van Dijk MT, Cha J, Semanek D, Aw N, Gameroff MJ, Abraham E, Wickramaratne PJ, Weissman MM, Posner J, Talati A. Altered dentate gyrus microstructure in individuals at high familial risk for depression predicts future symptoms. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2020. S2451-9022(20)30156-7. PubMed link

Weissman MM. Is depression nature or nurture? Yes. Am J Psychiatry, 2020. 177(5):376-377. PubMed link

Weissman MM. Big data begin in psychiatry. JAMA Psychiatry, 2020. 77(9):967-973. PubMed link

Bansal R, Peterson BS. Use of random matrix theory in the discovery of resting state brain networks. Magn Reson Imaging, 2020. 77:69-87. PubMed link

Tottenham N, Weissman M, Wang Z, Warner V, Gameroff M, Semanek DP, Hao X, Gingrich J, Peterson BS, Posner J, Talati A. Depression risk is associated with weakened synchrony between the amygdala and experienced emotion. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2021. ScienceDirect link

Panier LYX, Wickramaratne P, Alschuler DM, Weissman MM, Posner JE, Gameroff MJ, Bruder GE, Kayser J. Dissociating disorders of depression, anxiety, and their comorbidity with measures of emotional processing: A joint analysis of visual brain potentials and auditory perceptual asymmetries. Biol Psychol. 2021. ScienceDirect link

Saunders D, Svob C, Pan L, Abraham E, Posner J, Weissman M, Wickramaratne P. Differential association of spirituality and religiosity with rumination: Implication for the treatment of depression. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, 2021. 209(5):370-377. PubMed link

van Dijk MT, Cha J, Semanek D, Aw N, Gameroff MJ, Abraham E, Wickramaratne PJ, Weissman MM, Posner J, Talati A. Altered dentate gyrus microstructure in individuals at high familial risk for depression predicts future symptoms. Biol Psychiatry: Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging, 2021. 6(1):50-58. PubMed link

van Dijk MT, Murphy E, Posner JE, Talati A, Weissman MM. Association of multigenerational family history of depression with lifetime depressive and other psychiatric disorders in children: Results from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. JAMA Psychiatry, 2021. PubMed link

Chase HW, Auerbach RP, Brent DA, Posner J, Weissman MM, Talati A. Dissociating default mode network resting state markers of suicide from familial risk factors for depression. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2021. PubMed link

Anderson MR, Wickramaratne P, Svob C, Miller L. Religiosity and depression at midlife: A prospective study. Religions, 2021. 12(1):28. Religions link

Abraham E, Letkiewicz AM, Wickramaratne PJ, Bunyan M, van Dijk MT, Gameroff MJ, Posner J, Talati A, Weissman MM. Major depression, temperament, and social support as psychosocial mechanisms of the intergenerational transmission of parenting styles. Dev Psychopathol, 2021:1-15. PubMed link

Abraham E, Wang Y, Semanek D, Gameroff MJ, Shankman SA, Talati A, Weissman MM, Posner J. Organization of the social brain predicts future depression and interpersonal impairment: A prospective family-based study. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2021 Nature link

Weissman MM, Talati A, Gameroff MJ, Pan L, Skipper J, Posner JE, Wickramaratne PJ. Enduring problems in the offspring of depressed parents followed up to 38 years. EClinicalMedicine. 2021. ScienceDirect link

Miller L, Wickramaratne P, Hao S, McClintock CH, Pan L, Svob C, Weissman MM. Altruism and "love of neighbor" are neuroprotective against depression. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2021. ScienceDirect link

Murphy E, Svob C, Weissman MM, VanDijk M, Gameroff MJ, Skipper J, Abraham E, Yangchen T, Posner J, Shankman SA, Wickramaratne PJ, Talati A. The effects of the pandemic on mental health in persons with and without psychiatric history. Psychological Medicine, 2021:1-9. PubMed link

Weissman MM, Talati A. Thinner cortices in high-risk offspring: the promises of big data. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2022;47(1):377-378. PubMed link

Funkhouser CJ, Ashaie SA, Gameroff MJ, Talati A, Posner J, Weissman MM, Shankman SA. Prospectively Predicting Adult Depressive Symptoms from Adolescent Peer Dysfunction: a Sibling Comparison Study. Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol. 2022:1–13. PubMed link

Peterson BS, Kaur T, Baez MA, Whiteman RC, Sawardekar S, Sanchez-Peña J, Hao X, Klahr KW, Talati A, Wickramaratne P, Weissman MM. Morphological Biomarkers in the Amygdala and Hippocampus of Children and Adults at High Familial Risk for Depression. Diagnostics. 2022;12(5):1218. PubMed link

Talati, van Dijk M, Pan L, Hao X, Wang Z, Gameroff M, Kayser J, Shankman S, Wickramaratne P, Posner J, Weissman MM. Putamen structure and function in familial risk for depression: a multimodal imaging study. Biological Psychiatry. 2022. ScienceDirect link

Reynolds CF 3rd, Weissman MM. Transdisciplinary Science and Research Training in Psychiatry: A Robust Approach to Innovation. JAMA Psychiatry. 2022;79(9):839-840. PubMed link

Weissman MM. Pursuing the epidemiology and familial risks of depression and developing an evidence based psychotherapy. Psychiatry Res. 2022;317:114754. PubMed link

Xiao Y, Sharma MM, Thiruvalluru RK, Gimbrone C, Weissman MM, Olfson M, Keyes KM, Pathak J. Trends in psychiatric diagnoses by COVID-19 infection and hospitalization among patients with and without recent clinical psychiatric diagnoses in New York city from March 2020 to August 2021. Transl Psychiatry. 2022;12(1):492. PubMed link

Stevens ES, Funkhouser CJ, Auerbach RP, Talati A, Gameroff MG, Posner JE, Weissman MM, Shankman SA. Inhibition Predicts the Course of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms Among Adolescents: The Moderating Role of Familial Risk. J Nerv Ment Dis, 2023;211(2):100-107. PubMed link

Cullen B, Gameroff MJ, Ward J, Bailey MES, Lyall DM, Lyall LM, MacSweeney N, Murphy E, Sangha N, Shen X, Strawbridge RJ, van Dijk MT, Zhu X, Smith DJ, Talati A, Whalley HC, Cavanagh J, Weissman MM. Cognitive Function in People With Familial Risk of Depression. JAMA Psychiatry. 2023 Apr 19:e230716. PubMed link

Duffy A, Goodday SM, Christiansen H, Patton G, Thorup AA, Preisig M, Vandeleur C, Weissman MM, de Girolamo G. The well-being of children at familial risk of severe mental illness: an overlooked yet crucial prevention and early intervention opportunity. Nature Mental Health. 2023;1(8):534-41. Nature link


Murphy E, Svob C, van Dijk MT, Gameroff MJ, Yangchen T, Wickramaratne PJ, Weissman MM, Talati A. Helpful activities during the COVID-19 pandemic: Perceived benefits and actual association with psychiatric symptoms and psychological wellbeing. J Affect Disord. 2023;339:172-179. PubMed link


Svob C, Murphy E, Wickramaratne PJ, Gameroff MJ, Talati A, van Dijk MT, Yangchen T, Weissman MM. Pre- and Post-Pandemic Religiosity and Mental Health Outcomes: A Prospective Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023;20(11):6002. PubMed link


Uher R, Pavlova B, Radua J, Provenzani U, Najafi S, Fortea L, Ortuño M, Nazarova A, Perroud N, Palaniyappan L, Domschke K, Cortese S, Arnold PD, Austin JC, Vanyukov MM, Weissman MM, Young AH, Hillegers MHJ, Danese A, Nordentoft M, Murray RM, Fusar-Poli P. Transdiagnostic risk of mental disorders in offspring of affected parents: a meta-analysis of family high-risk and registry studies. World Psychiatry. 2023;22(3):433-448. PubMed link


Van Dijk MT, Talati A, Kashyap P, Desai K, Kelsall NC, Gameroff MJ, Aw N, Abraham E, Cullen B, Cha J, Anacker C, Weissman MM, Posner J. Dentate Gyrus Microstructure Is Associated With Resilience After Exposure to Maternal Stress Across Two Human Cohorts. Biol Psychiatry. 2024;95(1):27-36. PubMed link


Gao Y, Panier LYX, Gameroff MJ, Auerbach RP, Posner J, Weissman MM, Kayser J. Feedback negativity and feedback-related P3 in individuals at risk for depression: Comparing surface potentials and current source densities. Psychophysiology. 2024;61(2):e14444. PubMed link


Mehdi SMA, Costa AP, Svob C, Pan L, Dartora WJ, Talati A, Gameroff MJ, Wickramaratne PJ, Weissman MM, McIntire LBJ. Depression and cognition are associated with lipid dysregulation in both a multigenerational study of depression and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Transl Psychiatry. 2024;14(1):142. PubMed link


Funded by National Institute of Mental Health Grant: MH36197
NYSPI Division of Epidemiology © 2024