Children at High and Low Risk for Depression

Scientists and Key Staff

Myrna M. Weissman, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator (all Waves)
Brad Peterson, M.D.

Principal Investigator (Wave 6 - MRI)
Co-Investigator (Wave 5 - MRI)
Gerard Bruder, Ph.D.

Co-Investigator (Wave 4, 5, 6 - EEG)
Not PicturedChristian Grillon, Ph.D.

Co-Investigator (Wave 4 - Startle)
Steve Hamilton, M.D., Ph.D.

Co-Investigator (Wave 5, 6 - DNA)
Adi Talati, Ph.D.

Co-Investigator (Waves 4 - 6 Prenatal, smoking)
Craig Tenke, Ph.D.

Co-Investigator(Wave 4, 5, 6 - EEG)
Ravi Bansal, Ph.D.

Co-Investigator (Wave 6 - MRI)
Not PicturedVirginia Warner, M.P.H.

Assistant Project Coordinator (Wave 2)
Project Coordinator and Investigator (Waves 3, 4, 5)
Project Director and Investigator (Wave 6)
Priya Wickramaratne, Ph.D

Principal Investigator (all Waves)
Phil Adams, Ph.D.

Data Manager (Waves 3 - 6)
Marc Gameroff, Ph.D.

Clinical supervisor (Wave 6)
Jamie Skipper, M.A.

Project Coordinator (Wave 6)

Funded by National Institute of Mental Health Grant: MH36197
NYSPI Division of Epidemiology © 2024